Team Coaching the Senior Leadership Team, PeopleSafe
The current climate
On the global field we are currently in an unprecedented time. It is not business as usual, and we are in a VUCA environment-Volatile, Unpredictable, Complex and Ambiguous.
Coaching is highly beneficial in supporting individuals through transition: working from home, adjusting to a new normal, managing remote teams and relationships, home childcare and maintaining a sense of balance and control when for many-working no longer has separate physical geographical boundaries from home.
During the pandemic for many, ones’ basic sense of safety, trust and belonging has been challenged. The impact of physical distancing can create a sense of isolation and loss of connection as humans take a lot from the non verbal queues in how we relate to each other. The physical distance can create a sense of dissonance that in turn impacts on wellbeing and good mental health.
common challenges experienced as coaching topics are:
The loss of identity and belonging, removed from the office- lack of face to face time, extraction from the mother ship creating a leadership shadow
Managing Teams remotely-maintaining motivation, engagement, transparency and productivity
Managing relationships- stress and anxiety, loss of emotional control, slower response times, frustrations as inter personal challenges are heightened
Challenges for parents WFH
Building resilience, trust and a sense of control
How the coaching works
Sessions are conducted 1:1 or in team setting
1-1 sessions range from 60-90 mins
Team sessions start at 90 mins +
All sessions will be run via a ‘virtual’ platform, zoom is recommended to allow for group break out sessions
“The capacity is there, crisis is the catalyst.”